
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Paper Bag Popcorn

Oh, popcorn. You're the best snack ever! You fit in well with my desire to be healthy without compromising my food-related laziness. And now that I've discovered your secret to even faster preparation, I love you more. (Some of you might be looking at that title and thinking, "Paper in the microwave? That sounds like a FIRE HAZARD." Which is where my brain initially went, too, but this is perfectly safe. Pinky swear.) Paper bag popcorn is tasty and it literally takes 3 minutes, including the time it takes to get everything out of the cupboard.

First, put a handful of unpopped kernels into the bag. I toss in enough to fully cover the bottom and that ends up being enough for both of us.

Next: microwave it. If you have a popcorn button on your machine, you can probably use that. I always do ours for 2 minutes 10 seconds and it comes out perfectly, but yours might be slightly different depending on the wattage.

Now eat it! The kernels will be plain, so you can go the old fashioned melted butter route, make your own caramel, or get crazy like us and drizzle on some Sriracha. (Which I sometimes pretend is blood, depending on what movie we're watching. #nerdforlife)

We've been doing our popcorn this way for over a year, and while I don't think it's groundbreaking, I figured that it's healthy enough to share, and easier than getting one those stovetop poppers. The next time we have a party, I'm putting a big bowl of this on the table.

How do you make your popcorn? Am I the last person in the world to do the paper bag thing? (I hope not.) What's your favorite topping?


  1. Whaaat. I had no clue you could do this! We always make ours on the stove in a pot with a little oil in the bottom. This is so easy. I guess it makes sense since that basically what microwave popcorn is.

  2. I couple of years ago I bought a popcorn maker. Love the smell of the popcorn when it's freshly made :)

  3. I have heard of the paper bag method, but I haven't tried it myself yet. One of these days... It's good to know that it works well for you!

  4. I haven't made popcorn in ages, I think seeing two popcorn-posts in one week might be the universe telling me to make some!

  5. Wow, who knew it was this easy! Thanks Paige!

  6. My husband is the popcorn popper. He likes his done the old fashioned way on the stove, using a little oil in the pan. I tried to get him to do air popped, essentially what you are doing with the bag, but he didn't like the taste as well. So, if he pops it, I eat it! :)

  7. Wow! Interesting paper bag popcorn. I've wanted to get one of those air popper things. =0)

  8. Yay! Thanks for linking up the caramel popcorn post! I haven't tried making popcorn in a paperbag. I usually do it on the stove and it comes out fantastic! You now have to try the caramel popcorn.

  9. "Oh, popcorn. You're the best snack ever! " ---uumm...YEEAAH!!
    I have heard of this method but haven't yet tried it.
    I have a (very inexpensive) microwave popcorn popper I got at Target. I also have an electric one given to me by my daughter. That one uses the barest amount of oil. Then you can mix in whatever else you may like.

  10. I haven't tried this yet, but just heard about it recently... I need try it though, I love easy and healthy!!
