
Thursday, May 1, 2014

Introducing The Room Kit

You guys. IT'S TIME. Five months ago a little idea popped into my head, and now that twinkle of thought has turned into something I'm very proud of. Ladies and gentlemen, say hello to The Room Kit! All three of them are excited to meet you:

The Zoe

The Summer

The Olivia

The whole point of these kits is to make decorating easy by giving you a place to start. Each one contains fabric samples and paint colors that are designed to mix and match, plus some inspiration images and tips to get you going in the right direction. I wanted something that took away the hassle of choosing colors (and patterns!), but still gave folks the freedom to make the room their own.

Here's the pile of goodies that comes in each one:
>> 3 fabrics
>> 3 wall colors
>> 3 accent colors
>> 2 inspiration images
>> 1 budget worksheet
>> 1 information sheet
>> 1 envelope for easy carrying

As for how they work: you can either buy the fabrics and paints shown in the kits and get your DIY on, or you can take the samples to the store and find existing products in those colors. Or a mix of both! There's really no wrong way to do it.

These first three make up the Bold + Bright Collection, which kind of happened on accident after the weather was horrible for MONTHS. Up next will be a group of neutrals, and then maybe some darker, moodier colors as a change of pace. I also want to let you know that I'm taking on a limited number of custom Room Kits (my favorite thing!). So if you already have an idea about colors or themes, this would be a great next step to get the ball rolling.

I'm so excited! And nervous. But mostly excited! Thanks to everyone who reviewed the prototypes, looked at pictures, suggested other things to include, and just generally supported this crazy new idea of mine. It's hard to put yourself out there like this, especially when you've spent months developing a product, so I appreciate everyone who made it a little less terrifying.

Obviously I'll keep you posted about future designs here, but you can also sign up for the newsletter if you prefer email messages with my smiling face on them. (I'm kidding. I'm too nervous to smile.) A Facebook page is in the works, too.

So there you go! Now you know about The Other Thing I've Been Doing. I hope you enjoy these! Do you have a favorite? Any decorating projects on your radar? Are you extra thrilled by bright colors after that horrific winter, too?

P.S. I almost forgot! Use coupon code LAUNCHDAY during checkout for 20% off your order. It's good through May 15th.


  1. Awesome! Your first collection looks great, I'm so happy for you! Congratulations!

  2. OH MY GOSH, this is fantastic! It looks awesome. Way to make it happen Paige!

  3. Congrats! I love the initial collections and wish you all the best with this endeavor.

  4. Hi Paige! I love this color combination a lot!
    P.S. One customer asked me for a floor plan (custom work), but I think it is not my cup of tea - so if you like contact me and I will forward you her request. Lana

  5. woohoo! so excited for you! wishing you all the best!

  6. That's... kind of brilliant! I can't believe I've never seen one of these before and your picks are so perfect. I wish I had a place to decorate!

  7. This is so amazing Paige, and right up your alley! I love it!! Best wishes, and continued inspiration to you, lady!! xoxo

  8. Wow! This is really cool. I like The Zoe collection, but I'm excited to see your collections for neutrals. =0) Congrats, Paige!

  9. Woo!Hoo!!! Congratulations on The Room Kit launch!! Love your combinations. My favorite is The Olivia-- the light colored paint swatches have sort of a beachy feel --- and I am SO ready for some sunny days (even though I'm far from any beach)!

  10. Hooray! Hooray! such a wonderful idea! I hope it is very successful!

  11. Congratulations Paige! Very impressive! I especially like that you included a budget sheet :)

  12. Congrats Paige! Everything looks so great! Very excited for you. :)

  13. What a great idea! I wish you much success!

  14. Congrats! I know it must feel so good to have it out there after so many months of work! Love all those colors and know I do! :)
