
Monday, May 5, 2014

Assorted House Updates

There have been a few small updates happening around here and since none of them are big enough to need a whole post, they're getting turned into a virtual grab-bag today. Let's start the room-hopping on the first floor and see how things have changed.

Two things here. A) I don't think I ever gave you a good look at the sweet trolley car print from my sister. B) Its frame used to be black. This looks 9 million times better.

I used to really hate that floor lamp. It's kind of been an orphan in this new house and it got plopped there on moving day because we had no other use for it. But now that there are a lot of other neutrals in this corner of the room, my urge to set it on fire has gone down. So that's good.

Another update was in the main bathroom. Just look at all of this progress; first I whiten the grout, and then I buy a new bath mat! You can see the old, dark gray one in this post.

I really want to do the countertop next, and then see which pieces of my art hoard would work in here. Among other things, obviously, but I'm still feeling the baby steps for this project so we'll keep it slow.

We also spontaneously got a new duvet cover:

It's this one from West Elm, and the day we wandered into the store it was an additional 20% off the clearance price. Boom! There weren't any shams left, though, but it worked out fine for now since we had some solid white ones hangin' around.

Now that it's on the bed, I realize we REALLY need to paint in here. It's been on the list for a while, but the yellow/beige combination is a little clash-y in person, so that's a kick in the pants. (I'll be painting the picture frames white, too, like their downstairs colleagues.)

For a trip down memory lane, here's how the house looked about a year ago, and here's the mishmash we had going on after living here for two months. Have you made any little decor upgrades lately? Do you also forget how rooms used to look until you go back to the pictures? What's your favorite bite-sized change to make?


  1. I like that lamp! It and the door bring out the best in each other! Nice updates -- I think we have the same bathroom tile! Love the shower curtain too, and a new bathmat is always nice! Perhaps I should get out of your bathroom now....

  2. Looks great! That print from your sister is so cute. We need to seriously make a list of things to work on this spring/summer/fall because we tend to only do things in winter that have to be done. We've had some expensive work done, like redoing all of the insulation in the attic, but it's not really blog-picture-worthy type stuff. I want to share a few pics of the living room/dining room, even though we're only about halfway finished, but I don't have a wide enough lens on my camera to get much more than detail shots in at the moment. I'm saving up for a wider lens. :)

  3. It looks great! You've really brightened up your spaces. Looking forward to seeing more.

  4. The main bathroom looks SO much brighter! Lookin' good. =0)

  5. I love how small changes can have a big impact. I need to start making a list of things that need work. last month we cleaned up the balcony a bit.

  6. Love the little bar area. Very cool!

  7. I love how fresh and bright your bathroom looks! The print is GREAT!

  8. Your house is looking so bright! I love it. I totally understand what you mean about the random furniture piece...we have one of those that I've finally convinced him to get rid of this week!

  9. That bar area is super fun! I really need to do a house update. We have so many different things going on compared to the last time I wrote about our house. I need a swift kick in the ass in the blog department. I always start up again and then something comes up and I can't get back into as a routine. But yes, updates on the house is on the list! We added that coffee bar, which made a world of difference, and changed a few things in our bedroom too.

  10. Everything looks great! The trolley print is so cute, and of course I loved the striped cover. Our most recent update was getting nightstands last week. We've been using end tables that I bought for our first apartment.

  11. I like it when you show us changes. :) nothing ever changes around here. lol

    I love your entryway, and the new duvet is very pretty and bright.


  12. nice bar tray too! trolley is too cute
