
Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Sitting Pretty

Now that we're all thawed, it'd be nice to actually spend some time on the deck. One teensy smidgen of a problem: we only have two outdoor chairs. Back when the sunroom was there crampin' everybody's style, we only had a little nook for a table, so a little table we bought. But now that we have almost 500 square feet of space to fill (snap!), the old set isn't cutting it.

The jury is out on what to do about a table (there's a pile of leftover lumber in the garage, so maybe we'll attempt to build our own top?) but I definitely know we need some chairs. Chairs are too hard to make yourself unless you're a magician, so we're stuck buying. Since we're looking to get six of them and that will add up in a hurry, I found options under $100 and narrowed from there:

one  //  two  //  three  //  four  //  five  //  six

How YOU doin'? I think numbers two and three are my favorites, and I like how they look together, too. The coral-y orange is nice with the wood. From a purely economic standpoint, number five is the winner because he's only $20, but I'm not sure how comfy he'd be for longer periods of time. It'd be harder to add a cushion on a seat like that. The sleek design of number six is really fresh, and if I ever did want to throw a rug or something out there, I could use almost anything. Decisions!

What kind of patio chairs do you have? Anything you got once and would never use again? (I hope you don't say metal!) Which of these is your favorite?


  1. Oooo... number 2 is calling my name in a big way. We're stuck with some black iron ones that rock b/c if my husband sits in a chair that doesn't rock, he thinks it's broken. :) They're SO heavy. Hooray for the thaw!

  2. We bought a little bistro set in bright blue from Target last year, I think? Maybe the year before. I blogged about it. They have held up well despite a nasty winter and being covered with lots of snow. We don't have a garage or any place to put patio furniture "off-season" so I was hesitant to spend a lot of money, especially after reading reviews on other sites about things that were supposed to be "weather-proof" but weren't. Anyway, our table and chairs still look really good. I would recommend getting something heavy (our chairs and table are *very* heavy despite not looking it) unless you are able to move things indoors when you have storms. Or you might find your chairs in your neighbor's yard. :)

  3. I love the bright options! Numbers 1 and 4 look really comfy too!

  4. We were actually looking at those chairs from Target (#3) in the aqua color rather than orange, and I had noticed the CB2 chairs in a catalog that we got two days ago-- plus they are on sale! I really like the green one from Ikea as well and the price is definitely right. However, I agree that they look less comfortable than the other options. On the flip side, they look like they are the smallest, which would be good for our little patio. Thanks for this post! I think you have done my work for me in terms of patio chairs. I can just show Andrew this post and he can choose which he likes best... ;)

  5. I love the design of number 1, but number 2 and 3 are my favourite as they look so comfy!

  6. 2 and 5 are my faves, but I also wonder how comfy the green ones would be....

  7. I knew number 2 was Ikea before I even clicked on it, and I LOVE IT. Sign me up for a half dozen of those bad boys.

  8. We have a balcony and we are basically using a wooden table and chairs that we got from a neighbor that was moving. Ryan would like something he can lounge on but then we wouldn't have space for a table. I like our current setup. When the chairs get uncomfortable I usually grab a pillow for my back. I like number 2. You can always make pillows to go along with the chairs.

  9. Number 4 is cool! I love the colors. Sadly, we don't have any outdoor space right now to enjoy with chairs.

  10. I like 2 and 5! Missing backyard here in Singapore:(

  11. Have you picked one yet? I think I'm the only one who love number 1!

  12. I use two of those white molded fiberglass/plastic chairs on my patio. I add an inexpensive throw to the back and a lumbar pillow for my back. That way, I can use the throw if it is a little cool and I am always comfy. With the throw and pillow, they always look inviting too! As to my favorites: #1 & #2 are the only ones that I would try for outdoors. And, sorry, the ones that I bought once that if didn't like were metal!!!

  13. I like number 4! We have chairs that are metal, with that plastic mesh type fabric (whatever you call that stuff) and it holds up really well year after year, the color hasn't faded and the fabric is still very strong and in tact. I like number 6 too though... much more earthy and would look great with a rug, I agree!
