
Thursday, May 8, 2014

Revamping A Dreary Office

You guys, this latest design consultation is a doozy. LeAnn emailed me a couple of weeks ago, asking for help with one of the offices at her day job. It's a room where some part-timers do client research, so THANKFULLY nobody is in there 40 hours a week because it's the visual equivalent of a womp, womp if I ever saw one.

No windows. Dull colors. Florescent lighting. No windows.

LeAnn's biggest request was to brighten the area and make it feel more welcoming. She already got her boss's approval for an accent wall in Rookwood Red from Sherwin-Williams (which matches some other rooms in the suite), but she wasn't sure how else to tackle the lack of natural light and overall cave feeling.

Girl, I got you. Smiting dark spaces is my favorite thing. Behold my weapons:

>> The wall that's being painted red will obviously be the focal point of the room. I think it would be a fun idea to add a piece of bright abstract art on top it to break up the large chunk of color. The one I found is from artist Michelle Armas, but if her work is over budget LeAnn could always paint something herself. (She's creative! Check out her Etsy shop.)

>> Since the red paint will be bold, I wanted to be careful about adding too many other colors around the room with desk accessories. That's why I chose a mix of metallics instead. They're interesting without being too much, and they'll help bounce light around. I wasn't sure what exactly would be needed, so I picked a magazine/document holder, a letter sorter, a storage box, and a pen cup (originally a candle holder!), all of which are from Target.

>> The desk lamp is metallic, too, though I chose to go with silver for this one to tie in the pencil cup. The key to mixing metallics is to make sure each color appears more than once; that makes everything look intentional.

>> As for the bulletin boards in the hallway, there don't seem to be very many papers on them so I think one can come down and be replaced by some prints LeAnn already found. For the one that remains and the one actually in the office, they can be covered in that gray and white fabric from Spoonflower (which is also available as peel-and-stick wallpaper). Keeping with the mixed metallic theme, I found some simple brass thumb tacks from Amazon. For the prints, plain black frames would look the best.

>> Finally, that space needs some green. Without any natural light I don't think anything will grow, so fake plants it is! Target has realistic looking succulents right now and I found some for the desktops, or some that could be mounted on the wall as shadowboxes.

I can't wait to see how everything looks when it's done! Aaaaah! For the first time ever, I'm so excited at the thought of a red accent wall. They're normally not my jam, but in this space I think it's going to be really cool. LeAnn--I'll be waiting for the after photos.

If you're in the market for your own design consultation and room board, you can get more info about them right here. I'd love to help you out!


  1. Love the look! Thanks you SO MUCH, Paige!!

  2. No window? Oh dear. I love the way you accented the maroon with metallics and green. Very classy combination that should immediately lift the spirits of those working there!

  3. Oh that first picture is giving me flashbacks from office design,,,we had to do so many offices. We had to do the whole design from the totally empty leased floor of a building to finished offices of a law firm, a production studio, others I can't really remember. I think I've blocked it out. Haha. They all had different requirements for office space, hierarchies, staff numbers, equipment, etc. It was kind of crazy the amount of work now that I think about it. And we were always working from actual floor plans of buildings in DC that are all weird, and old, and have columns right in the middle of where you need to put an office. Our teacher was pretty unsympathetic because in his eyes this is what we needed to be able to do to work in an architecture/design firm upon graduation. He was right, of course, but it sucked.

    Anyway, I think the paint and accessories you chose will do wonders for this space...a million light years better. Why so many office managers always choose the most depressing furniture and ugly supplies I will never know. Yes, I know they contract with companies like Staples for office supplies and can't just go anywhere, but it's almost like they flipped open the catalog, said hmmm, which one of these is most likely to make someone try to pry open a sealed window on the 11th floor and jump out, that one it is! ;)

    1. Ugh, systems furniture is the WORST. I had to do a big project last semester for a health club, and I specified all of the office stuff from Herman Miller to make it marginally better. But even so, most of it makes me want to poke my eyes out.

  4. Our office will finally be renovated the end of this year - I can't wait to see how it changes. We have over 500 employees in our Boston office.

    I love the painting you picked out! We have a weird conference space with no windows, we actually call it the closet. But we added a print of a window!

  5. Nice ideas!!! I love the idea of an accent wall that would definitely brighten up that area. That really sucks there are no windows but unfortunately a lot of office jobs are like that. I really love the fake plants in the shadowboxes. Very cute.

  6. Great ideas! It's going to be much more pleasant for those working in that windowless office.

  7. Love your ideas! Will look forward to seeing the after pictures.

  8. Can't wait to see the "after" pics! Llove the print that you chose with the faux succulents.

  9. I love all your ideas to brighten up such a dull room! Fake plants are a great idea...they're the only kind I can't kill :)

  10. Ooooo I hope we get to see pictures of it done!

    These are all great ideas and really, any kind of decor will go a long way to helping that room out. I love the idea of spicing up the bulletin boards- it gives them a decorative punch while still being functional.

  11. I love all of the metallics. You picked the perfect pieces to brighten the space. I hope she posts pictures! :)

  12. Love these ideas! I hope they follow up with pictures of the changes they made.

  13. A red wall is not something I would normally choose either, but I can't wait to see how it all comes together. I love the tip on adding metallic accents to help bounce the light, because that was the first thing that came to mind for me, how is a red wall going to make the room lighter?! I love your ideas on that... and the fake succulents are great too. Always happy with something green, makes any space feel more fresh. Great job Paige!!
