
Monday, May 12, 2014

Pinterest Picks

I hope I don't fake anybody out with this post being on Monday instead of Friday. I had every intention of doing it on its usual day, but then I fell into a black hole of Internet and you know how that goes. I had to get some other work done after I startled myself by looking at the clock and this got shuffled to today. But the picks are still fresh!

First, I think we really need to get a tulip table. I keep finding pictures of them and drooling all over myself, so that's a pretty big clue. I enjoy them in different styles of rooms (further evidence that they're the song in my heart) and I think these bentwood chairs look delightful as a little contrast. So... I guess I want a new table AND new chairs.


I've been getting slowly into bracelets. For years I hated them because I was in school or doing a lot of things that required writing on paper, and a bracelet just got in the way more than a watch did. But now that I'm mostly computer-based (or painting something) they're suddenly not a hassle anymore.


My mother-in-law is going to re-teach me all of the bobbin nonsense on my sewing machine this week and FOR REAL this time, I'm not going to forget it. I'm going to use the machine enough that the knowledge sticks. It's like when you learn a new word: use it three times the next day and it's in your vocabulary. I'm going to do the sewing machine equivalent of that. Anyway, I started looking at pincushions since I plan to actually need one now:


Normally I pine after a white kitchen, but the soft gray here is nice. I'll admit: it's more interesting in this space than plain white would have been.


Cheddar jalapeno chicken burgers with guacamole!


So how was your weekend? Ours was jam-packed with friends and family, including a trek to a healthy Mexican restaurant and then hanging out on the deck. (Which still needs more stain, UGH. That's the goal for this weekend, weather permitting.) What's your plan for today? Anything exciting on a Monday?


  1. Cute cactus pincushion! I detest all the bobbin stuff on sewing machines! They are such a pain....
    What!! A healthy Mexican restaurant?!! Is that a fish taco burger? Looks good!

  2. We used to have a table like that in our kitchen when I was a kid! I also once owned a bentwood chair, but found it to be uncomfortable to sit in for long periods of time. It does look good though :)
    Still raining here, so apart from the post office run mostly staying indoors and working on orders!

    1. Oh, and I forgot...GOOD LUCK with the sewing machine :) I hope you love it as much as I do!

    2. Thanks! I like the actual sewing part, but setting up my old machine is always... tricky. Maybe it's the machine and not me?

  3. Love the pincushion. Definitely my kind of plant: very hard to kill!

  4. The rug in the kitchen photo is beautiful! Good luck with the sewing machine - I'm sure you'll do fine. =)

  5. I need that pin cushion. I have 3 of them and they're all tomatoes that have seen better days.

  6. Good luck with the sewing machine! Maybe you can send some of those vibes my way haha. I never would have picked gray for a kitchen, but the result there is fabulous.

    1. Right? I love gray cabinets (because I love gray!) but that instance is especially chic.

  7. Nice picks! I think the cactus pincushion is really cute!! This weekend we went to a graduate student 'Garden Party' which was suppose to be in one of the UVA gardens but since it was down pouring on Saturday it was in the chemistry building. It was ok but I definitely concluded that graduate students are all awkward. Not just the physics ones.

    I also did lots and lots of sewing. I was a sewing machine.

  8. There are some very cute pin cushions out in the world. I wish you very good luck with sewing. (You could always take photos of the process to refer to.)
    I had great fun this weekend. movie and dinner with friends on Saturday; baseball game and inner with family on Sunday.

  9. Love that airy kitchen! We are going to re-do ours eventually, and I am still trying to make up my mind what color counter tops I want, because right now everything is white and light and bright, and I don't want to loose that... but I love that pale shade of gray though... it's pretty. Glad you had a great weekend! :)

    1. You know, butcher block counters would add some contrast without taking away the light/bright feeling! Have you thought about those?
