
Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Party Down

Last week I was poking around at some deck chairs, easing into spring, and now I've gone zero to 60 and feel like having a party out there. It's probably just the warmer weather luring my brain away from all of the other things I want/need to do around the house instead (the trim is almost painted! so close!), but here I am thinking about corn on the cob anyway. So, as one does, I hit Pinterest and found some cute tips for those of you do ARE planning to entertain, maybe for Memorial Day weekend.

chalkboard menu  //  s'mores  //  flowers  //  food labels  //  lights  //  beer bucket

>> Post a menu. This one and the next go hand-in-hand, so let's hop down there...

>> Label the food. If you're having a larger get-together with several kinds of grub, it's good to let people know what's what, especially if anybody has allergies. Posting a menu by the entrance can give folks a heads up (since everybody always asks), and then labeling individual items can help if a couple of things are similar.

>> Use a drink bucket. I just like how these look. Coolers are fine and will work just as well, but you have to admit they're not the most attractive things in the world. A galvanized tub is on my list o' things to get for the deck.

>> Have a "make-your-own" area. This is a good way to give guests some variety without putting a ton of work on your shoulders. The picture above is for s'mores, but this idea would also work well for sliders, sundaes, or nachos.

>> Flowers are your friend. Since you're outside anyway, flowers make sense for the decor. I never worry about putting a ton out, but having a couple of pretty things on the table is a nice touch. The vintage-can-as-a-vase is cute and way less fragile than bringing an actual glass object outside.

>> Don't forget some lights. Our neighborhood has a ton of mature trees, so it gets pretty dark in our backyard at night. If your pals are sticking around after the sun goes down, invest in some globe lights or a lantern. Ain't nobody got time for tripping on the way to the food.

Are you ready for an outdoor shindig? Who wants s'mores? I'm ready to go find a vintage can like that and stick some flowers in it. Maybe there will be some good estate sales this week...

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  1. Great ideas! Love the menu board and the corn on the cob on a stick.

  2. I am so ready for outdoor bbq parties!!! We bought a cute bucket like that for Jesse's mom last year for Mother's Day and it looks so great on her deck!

  3. We're almost ready for an outdoor party here. We finally cleaned out our back patio for the season and recently got some lights like the one in the photo above. I like the idea of the vintage can as a vase. I was also thinking about reusing some cans to make citronella candles. I could paint them in bright colors with spray paint beforehand. Who knows if that will ever come to fruition, but it seems like a fun idea.

    1. Yes! If you make your own candles, share a tutorial! I'll want to seeeeeee.

  4. Looks like my kind of party! It's been raining a lot here, so I haven't been thinking about dinners (or anything) outdoorsy. I love how the flowers look in that vintage can :-)

  5. It has been beautiful half of the time where I live and the rest of the time it is windy and raining. Hope it calms down before long and I can put some of these ideas to the test! Thanks for posting!

  6. I am so ready for outdoor parties! I wrote a post scheduled for later this week about summer cocktails specifically because I cannot wait to host some summer gatherings! These are all such fun ideas. I need to get some stringed lights ASAP.

    1. I'm so ready for summer cocktails. Drooling in anticipation...

  7. Friends of ours were going to have a BBQ party this weekend, but sadly looks like it has to be postponed due to the rain. I like your ideas! If I were ever to entertain outdoors I'd love to have a menu on a chalkboard and I'm a fan of corn-on-the-cob :)

  8. great inspiration!
    I do have a drink bucket (thank goodness!)
    Lights are a great idea. I really, really must look into that!
    I do believe in labeling food that is not immediately recognizable.

  9. Some friends of ours are getting married in September, and they are very outdoorsy people... instead of cake, they are having s'mores for their reception, desert. Three cheers for back yard parties, and summer! Woot!

  10. Cute! We don't really get to do any outdoor entertaining except for our upcoming wedding/reception! I'm planning on using lots of flowers, but some of them will be paper.

  11. I love all these ideas! I am looking forward to hanging outside and entertaining. I know it will be warm here one of these weekends :)
    Everyday Inspired
