
Friday, May 16, 2014


In your FACE, sewing machine!

I did it! I made pillow covers! Without any thread blobs or WHRRRRR noises!

It had been so long since I'd even tried to use it that I don't remember exactly what I was doing wrong, but a lot of the stuff my mother-in-law told me about the bobbin yesterday was Brand New Information, so I assume it was something down there. BUT NO MORE! We're good to go. This was one of my goals for the year (the machine-using, not the pillows) so I'm happy to get it started. I need to make a few more things this week so the knowledge sticks and then I'll officially cross it off the list.

If you're waiting for me to start the tutorial... There's not one. Yet. If anybody's interested, I can put one together for making the easiest pillow covers in the world, because that's what these are.

High-fives! And let's throw some confetti while we're at it! It's a party up in here today.

Have you been sewing lately? Or conquering an old enemy? What else should I make? And, since it's Friday, what cool things are you up to this weekend?


  1. WooHooooo! That's awesome news. I love that first pillow!
    Accomplishing something challenging on your list is always worth celebrating :)

  2. Woot woot! I think I may have had similar bobbin issues until my mom helped me. Once that was taken care of, I feel as though sewing is not nearly as daunting as it seems. Cheers to finally conquering it!

  3. Yay!! I'm so proud of you!! It is always amazing when you hear people learn how to sew especially by themselves. I think sewing is great and as you get better it will open up A LOT of opportunities for you! Also.. the pictures look fabulous but I already told you that.

  4. We just bought a new couch, and I am not terribly fond of the throw pillows that came with it... you are inspiring me to just make my own! Love the fabrics you used. Yay!!!!

  5. Sewing machines can be so tricky, those pillows look awesome! Really clean lines. :)

  6. Congrats!! That's fantastic and the pillows look gorgeous, especially the top one :)
    How about making a summer tote next ?

  7. No sewing for me, NEVER sewing for me lol! I've always wondered just how pillow covers are made, seriously, how does it close up without being all messy at the end? Congratulations on figuring this out. As always your choice of fabrics and colors are gorgeous!

  8. That's awesome, congrats! Ah, using a sewing machine has been on my goals list for probably 3 years. Still haven't quite gotten there. So intimidating!

  9. Those look good! I just got my machine out of the box, haven't done any sewing projects for years!

  10. Great job, and I love your choice of fabrics. Curious about what your next project will be.

  11. Your pillows look fantastic! It is always fun to conquer something, and now that you have made friends with your sewing machine you will be able to whip thing up in not time :)
    Everyday Inspired

  12. Yay! I love it when your sewing machine co-operates instead of trying to humiliate you at every turn (mine does that a lot!)

    The cushion covers look gorgeous - love the fabric :)

    I have some projects scheduled for me and my machine soon - curtains for the living room plus upstyling some clothes. Hopefully I'll have the same success!

