
Monday, May 19, 2014

$250 Bathroom Reveal!

Don't you love it when a project gets fast-tracked? We were going to put new baseboards in the family room this weekend (snore) but then we got to Lowes and saw our $99 counter top and decided that the universe was telling us to do the bathroom instead! (Or we really just didn't feel like measuring all of that trim. Same thing.) We ended up pulling everything together for under $250, which was a nice surprise. I had vaguely budgeted a few hundred bucks for this room but even I didn't think the stars would align for two-and-a-half Benjamins. Score!

The updates in here have been small until now because we normally change one thing at a time like snails, but now we pulled an HGTV and did a bunch of stuff in two days. Know that the usual squealing with glee is happening on my end.

I feel like there should be a choir of angels singing whenever somebody enters the room. So far that hasn't happened so I've been making my own sound effects. Josh Groban and his majestic vocals would also work well for how I'm feeling, but I ASSUME he'd be too busy to hang out and serenade me in my bathroom.

On Saturday we replaced the counter top and added a new faucet. And by "we" I mean "mostly Hubsey." The room is so small that it's hard to get two people in there, as you can see.

And yesterday I hung the new mirror--which I made a special trip to IKEA to fetch. We were debating whether we should use another, smaller one I found when we got a wild hair and held up the mirror we have in our bedroom. The size was perfect, but the white didn't match the counter top (sometimes IKEA's whites can be a little strange, no?). That was my main reason for picking the gray-brown here, but it also gives a little shout-out to the tile floor and helps tie it in. The floor was starting to feel like the odd man out, so it's nice to give it a buddy.

Here's where we were a few months ago. The only way I can describe this look is that it's what happens when you throw a bunch of stuff into a room without thinking about it. Design tip: don't do that.

Also know that the old counter top was purple-veined. PURPLE.

It's 6000% better and we didn't even need a dumpster:

I hate to say that a room is ever DONE, but this one is looking cute enough that I don't need to worry about it for a while. I'd still like to get rid of the almond tub, because it makes me twitchy that ONE THING doesn't match the rest, but whatever. The shower curtain covers most of it, anyway.

Before I get carried away on my cloud of bliss, let's look at the budget breakdown. I said that we did this for under $250 and by golly we did.

Counter top: $99 (Lowes)
Caulk: $6 (Lowes)
Faucet: $39 (Lowes)
Mirror: $45 (IKEA)
Bath mat: $10 (IKEA)
Grout Renew: $12 (Home Depot)
Paint: $27 (Lowes) ----> I'll count this now even though I did it last year.

Total Cost: $238

We already had all of the tools and painting supplies we needed, but if you don't, you might need to shell out another $20 to fill in the gaps.

One last look. Aaaah!

My preciousssss.

What house projects are you working on? Anybody else doing a bathroom? What room in your place deserves a choir of angels? And don't forget, if you ever need a little boost with a project I'd love to help you out. Making rooms pretty is my favorite thing.


  1. The new counter top definitely makes a difference, and great mirror too! I kinda like how it works with your light fixture too. Congrats on a great job!

  2. Kudos on doing the work yourselves. We replaced two faucets when we moved in, but we definitely hired a plumber to do it lol. I'm not into heavy lifting, and by heavy, I mean any sort of tool whatsoever, except maybe a paintbrush or a hammer occasionally. Also, way to go on the budget! Our faucets were so much more than you spent on the whole reno...I'm not going to tell you haha. :/

    1. Thanks! We totally lucked out on finding stuff that cheap. The counter and faucet are rated well on the website, too, so clearly I couldn't just leave them there. Haha.

  3. It looks so great! I love the clean lines of the mirror and white counter. Great work dude!

  4. The bathroom looks fabulous!!! I didn't even think about switching out the fixtures in our bathroom, but that would've been nice...Bummer. I like that faucet you put on the sink. Oh well for me. I will be loving our freshly painted walls for now. =0)

  5. It turned out wonderful! Isn't it great when a few changes make such a huge difference? Our 1978 yellow countertopped bathroom was too far gone so we had to spend way more than you did to totally gut it and re-do it. *sigh*

    1. Yeah, we were lucky that the previous owners already did the floor and painted the vanity white. Otherwise we would've spent way more, too!

  6. Looks lovely! I hate doing housey jobs but I love it once they're done :)


  7. I'm so excited to "hear" your enthusiasm in your blog post! :) The small changes you made look great Paige! Who knew a sink could make such a difference in a room.

  8. Love your fresh, new look! Your Hubsey did well!

  9. The redone sink looks so fresh and clean! I love it and congrats on the low price tag.

  10. Fantastic! I'm about to do a bathroom remodel myself so this is inspirational!

  11. It looks great! How awesome to make all of those changes on such a small budget.

  12. Love the classic lamp! I think I need to remodel mine too after seeing this beautiful bathroom.

  13. I love the soft colors of your bathroom! We are planning on re-doing our guest bath and you've got me liking the softer look!
