
Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Pastel Party

I heard on the radio a few weeks ago that the weather is pretty much going to skip pleasant spring temperatures and go right from cold and rainy into the hellfire of summer. And so far that's been pretty accurate. After the winter we just endured I would not be surprised if the horrors continued. You jaded me, polar vortex! Now I'm skeptical about ALL of the weather! It probably will be hot and terrible in a couple of weeks, so I've been eyeballing some light colored clothes to help keep the heat away. I assume that I'll need all the weapons I can find.

Pastel Finds 2014
purple dress  //  yellow dress  //  cardigan  //  blazer  //  flats  //  sandals  //  tote  //  clutch  //  watch  //  earrings  //  scarf

Blazers are my siren song, so naturally that's my favorite thing here, but the yellow dress is a close second. It makes me want to have a tea party, which I obviously mean as a compliment. I have trouble wearing pastels in large amounts because of my skin tone (they tend to work better on rosy-cheeked people or folks with actual pigment in their skin, not those of us who are zombie-adjacent), so that's why I included so many accessories. Sprinkling in light colors with other things usually helps me avoid the problem of looking half-dead.

Here's a real life example. If you follow me on Instagram, I know you're familiar with my mint green shoes and necklace:

Shoes are from Target, the necklace was thrifted.

Of course, that outfit is black and gray otherwise, which ain't gonna be happenin' when it's 90 degrees. SIGH. You're a cruel mistress, Mother Nature. (Related: did you see the hail we got last night?!)

Are you a fan of pastels in hot weather? Or maybe pastels all the time? Do you like them in little bits, too? And can we just get some pleasant weather before it gets hot? That would be excellent.


  1. I really like the color mint! That blazer is probably my favorite, and I'm in need of another one, anyway. (The only "nice" one I have anymore is a dark purple.) Like you, I don't have a lot of pastels, though! My skin looks better in jewel tones, so I have a lot of dark blues and greens. And pale yellow? Don't even think about it. :)

    1. I look better in jewel tones, too. Remember that trend in the 90s when everybody was finding out their "color season?" I'm a winter, which means pastels just make me look ill.

  2. I love that yellow dress!! I think pastels work with my skin tone but I'm not usually keen on wearing them. I naturally gravitate towards purple, blue and teal. Pretty much thats all you see in my closet. But.. I am considering making a dress for my sister's graduation so perhaps I'll pick up a pastel color fabric.

  3. I love pastel accessories. Just pastels make me feel and look a bit 'blah'. Your leopard clutch looks fabulous. And I am keeping my fingers crossed for pleasant weather :-)

  4. I love the blue shoes and the mint purse! Good luck with your wacky weather - that hail looks intense.

  5. I hear ya with those pastels and pale skin...ugh! But I do like it as an accessory :)
    I saw your hail! How scary!

  6. I saw that photo of hail on instagram! Wow!
    Pastels evoke coolness when the sun is blazing. Your mint shoes are very cool! ( in a couple ways!)
    The yellow dress is pretty but yellow is not a good color for me. Jewel tones are the best.

  7. LOVE that mint blazer -- and your real life mint flats as well as those CUTE sandals in your wish list.

  8. I love pastels for summer. The yellow dress is soooo cute.

  9. Mint and mustard are definitely my favorite colors right now. I should probably slow down a bit because I've noticed that a lot of my new cards have those same colors in them :) And super cute necklace!

  10. I'm also a fan of pastels in moderation. A little touch is all I need, even in summer. The yellow dress is my favorite here.
