
Friday, April 25, 2014

Pinterest Picks

Happy Friday! (I almost typed Happy Friends, which would've also worked.) This was a long week, as they usually are post-vacation, and I feel like I haven't quite caught up yet. I probably left town too close to the Room Kit launch--which is Thursday! aaaaah!--but that's okay. It was nice to have a distraction from how nervous I'm getting. I'll have a proper post for you on Launch Day with all of the details, but now it's time for Pinterest Picks. It's a pretty DIY-heavy roundup this time, which I don't think you'll mind.

This is a sewing tutorial, and I'm SURE it's is beyond my skill set even though the girl says it's easy, but I like it enough that I might just dust off the machine and try to make peace. Also, cute tote bag alert!


Do you guys remember when Hubsey was going through his "I don't need a nightstand!" phase? And then I put one of my vintage tables over there anyway and he loved it because his cell phone wasn't on the floor? (His former rationale was that he never had one growing up, so how great could they possibly be?) Well. Now he's SO enamored with his table that he has way too much stuff on it and needs something with storage. We'd like to build a couple of things this spring, so maybe a pair of these are in order:


You had me at toast:


House number flower pots! It's a pet peeve of mine when I'm going somewhere new and the house numbers are either teeny-tiny, or only on the mailbox. This is such a cute alternative.


I moved my office furniture from one bedroom to another a couple of months ago, and I'm still in the middle of wrangling my assorted DIY supplies. I love these carts from IKEA anyway, but now that I see just how MUCH stuff they can hold... Swoon.


What are you up to this weekend? We'll be working in the yard, maybe putting the last coat of stain on the deck? It really depends on the weather. We also might try to find Hubsey another suit for work, which always turns into an epic crusade. (Suits to him are like dresses to me. IMPOSSIBLE.) Do you have anything fun planned? Can you believe this is the last weekend in April?!


  1. Fun picks!!
    Yes to peanut butter and banana toast :)
    My bedside table is weighed down with books - I probably need a bigger one :)

    p.s. if you attempt the above dress, you'll need a ballpoint needle as it's knit fabric...

    1. Oh man, I don't even know what that is! I might have to drag my mother-in-law out here to help me.

  2. Those toasts are delicious findings!!!! My favorite is a smoke salmon!!! I can it it everyday:)
    Dress is a gorgeous .... love the color pop!

  3. Love the sleeve length and the forgiving midsection of the swing dress! And the night stands would be great--and an easy DIY. I have my first Spring craft fair tomorrow 9-2. We'll see how that goes! Then hubby has offered to buy me some new duds -- our neighborhood clothing store is having a 75% off sale this Sunday afternoon (their 134th anniversary). Hope it doesn't turn out to be IMPOSSIBLE. AND hoping to tag up with my faraway kids on the East coast to plan my trip to NH/DC in August. I need an extra day this weekend!

  4. -The dress pattern would be in no way easy for me either.
    -Jake and I are sorely in need of some real nightstands. I like the example that you picked.
    -I am all over the toast pin, too. I make some form of toast almost every day.
    -I'm with you on the house numbers. There is nothing worse than driving in an unfamiliar neighborhood and not being able to find any house numbers.
    -I need to check out those IKEA carts. I would love to overhaul my craft storage.

  5. You find the funnest stuff!
    I do love a nightstand--lamp, books, etc.
    ooo...just look at that toast, will ya?!!

  6. I love that toast spread, thank you for sharing that!! Pinned! ♥
