
Thursday, April 24, 2014

Song of the South

My sister and I took our annual lady trip last week and headed south of the border Mason-Dixon line and into Savannah. I will cut right to the chase here: Savannah is the most beautiful city I've ever seen and I had some MAJOR architecture envy going on. Behold:

You don't see a lot of Italianate mansions in Chicago, which means I creeped around the outside for five minutes like a weirdo. At first I was half-expecting somebody to wander onto the porch and tell me to move along, but then we realized it wasn't a residence anymore.


So many antiques were jammed in there that you couldn't move around very well (I kind of wonder how they ever get anything out when somebody purchases?) but I was Having A Moment with the house itself anyway. It's the Noble Hardee mansion, which is apparently the last unrestored grand home in the city. As you can see, the walls and ceiling are in rough shape, but you can tell what a beauty it was in its heyday. I hope somebody can get in there to fix it up eventually.

Some lovely row houses along one of the squares:

The river was beautiful, too. I didn't know that Savannah was a shipping hub until our first morning there when we saw a freight barge sail through. There were assorted boats cruising along all day, which was fun for somebody who lives 30 miles away from the nearest large body of water--and my sister from land-locked Indianapolis. (Also, shout-out to the sky for being so cooperative in this picture.)

Obviously, Forsyth Park was stunning.


There were a lot of independent businesses in the downtown area, including this adorable fabric shop that wins my award for most creative use of hoops to lure in potential customers. (It worked.)

We have a tradition of taking what we call sister-selfies, so there were about 10 pictures that looked exactly like this.

My favorite meal of the trip was from a place called 22 Square. We honestly chose it because it was raining buckets our last day there and we were just looking for the closest thing. It's inside a hotel and not really advertised outside the building (we found it on Yelp, I think?) so had the weather been nicer we wouldn't have ended up there. It's one of those farm-to-table places, which is a concept you NEED to try if you haven't yet. Here, drool over our cheese and crudite plates:

We spent a lot of time in the car (which, sadly, my back didn't appreciate) which meant we got to see a lot of new geography. Both of us typically fly when we travel, so we've been OVER hills and mountains, but never really driven through them. Illinois is extra boring now. Hills: they make a difference.

Our main destination was Savannah, but we stopped in Nashville for a night on the way down and on the way back. We hit up a couple of honky tonk bars with live music--one played rockabilly and one was more like a night club, but in a good way--and had a face-melting good time. I'd heard that all of the bar musicians would be really good since they're trying to break into the record industry, and it was so true. There was no cover either, so we basically got to go to concerts for the price of our beers.

And then we went to Greece! Just kidding, that's the Parthenon replica in Nashville. It's also a museum, but we didn't have time to pop inside. We'll have to do that when we go back, which we totally are.

So that was our trip! It was my first time really experiencing the South, so it was fun to note the little differences between there and here. Like all of the dress-wearing! All the time, everywhere. (And all of the dudes wore plaid button-down shirts.) Everyone was also extremely polite and well-mannered, which, I will admit, is something we could be better about up here. Not that yankees are RUDE, but a cashier said, "Good morning, how are you?" to us our first day there and we were both surprised. It seemed like she was trying not to laugh at us after that, so at least we're a good for a giggle. Haha.

Have you been to Savannah or Nashville? What did you do/see? Are these places on your travel list? What trips do you have coming up this summer?


  1. So fun! I'd love to do a road trip with my sis. I love Nashville. And I've spent a lot of time in Georgia but have never been to Savannah. It looks beautiful.

  2. Wow! Love the architecture and the cheese (ofcourse)

  3. Ahh..the post that I've been waiting for! What a charming place and that house in the first picture is absolutely gorgeous! No wonder you were enthralled :)
    Then I scrolled down and saw the FABRIC shop!!! So cute! And the cheese and veggie platter....YUM.
    Thanks for the tour, Paige. I always enjoy seeing new places, which I'll probably never get to visit in real life!

  4. I think I already told you I've been to Savannah and Nashville. I've never done any of the touristy things in Nashville, though, because my sister lives there so when we've been we did things locals do and just visited with her family and friends. I did go to the art museum there, which was fun, but no honky tonk bars. :)

    I grew up in the south and the main thing I miss the most is just how people are so much more laid back. It's definitely a slower pace of living. In DC, I'd say the majority of people are type A, very competitive, very busy all the time, always in a hurry and on the go. It's exhausting. I miss just hanging out with people and doing nothing much. Obviously, I'm generalizing here, but I'd say most people where I grew up weren't afraid to just BE, and people in DC and northern cities feel like they have to be doing something all the time or the world will end. ;)

  5. Love! Sounds like it was so much fun, it's a wonder you came back. Those houses look gorgeous! I love old architecture so much.

  6. Such awesome photos! and I love the sister selfie! I've been to Charleston, SC and I agree, people in the South are SOO much more polite. Charleston is another adorable city you'd probably also love. Nashville has never been on my list, but I htink I have to add it. New Orleans is though! Hubby is taking me on a trip for my 30th, but I don't know where yet!

  7. Oh, yeah - there's a huge shipping war between Savannah and Charleston! That store antique looks awesome (so does the fabric store!). Man, I hope I get to see the South again soon!

  8. Great trip, love the beautiful buildings.

  9. Love the picture of the row houses and the mansion! Thanks for the tour!

  10. What a fun trip! I was only in Savannah once, but I also thought it was a BEAUTIFUL city!!

  11. I have not been to Savannah or Nashville, but you're making me want to go to both places! Thanks for sharing your pictures.

  12. Savannah looks incredible! My boyfriend is moving down to Atlanta (from Boston) for work and Savannah is at the top of our lists of places to visit while he's down there. SO glad to hear you loved the city!

  13. great pics!
    I been to Savannah twice, but only for a couple hours each time since I was driving through. Prior to the first trip, I had read "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil" and just had to check out the house of one of the main characters.
    I've not been to Nashville.

  14. I think I need to put Savannah on my bucket list of places to go... It looks so amazingly beautiful there! And I gotta love any place that has great live music. Sounds like you had an awesome trip! :)
