
Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Life Lately

I'm having that post holiday weekend brain fog today. If you're in the States, I hope you had a nice Memorial Day weekend and are having a better time remembering that it's not Monday right now than I am. We also gave ourselves a half-day on Friday, which might be adding to my confusion about what day it is now that I have to be productive agin. (In my defense, it was really nice out and we felt like going to eat hot wings OUTSIDE, so obviously we ran away from our computers to go do that.) Later on we helped my parents finish their bathroom remodel--more on that after I edit the pictures!--and then caught up with some family.

You know what? Let me just show you some Instagram pictures. Here's what I've been up to recently, both over the weekend and a little further back.

>> On Sunday we went to see my grandma and she gave me a few keepsakes, including my grandpa's watch. He fought in Italy in WWII, so I thought it was especially fitting that she gave it to me this weekend. (Yes, I cried.)

>> I took the picture of those flowers on Friday before we started our weekend, and they're looking considerably more droopy now. I obviously didn't water them while we were at my parents' house, and then I FORGOT yesterday, so now they're all half-dead. I did go feed them today after I took the garbage out, so maybe it's not too late?

>> We have a new favorite Mexican restaurant and they do a wonderful promotion called Taco Tuesdays, where you can get any taco on the menu for $3. Oh! That's how I'll remember what day it is. It's Taco Tuesday, brain!

>> Say hello to my newest statement necklace, which I found on eBay and wore all weekend. I almost didn't buy it because it's three colors of neon, but when I wear it with my usual funeral garb it's more toned down. I suspect my blanket of hair also helps.

So how was your long weekend (if you indeed had an extra day off of work)? Anybody else go see some family? Or work on a bathroom? Or rejoice that it's Taco Tuesday? Please tell me I'm not the only one forgetting what day it is...

P.S. If you want to follow me on Instagram, I'm @littlenostalgia.


  1. We went to the beach! It was glorious. :)

    I love that your grandma gave you that watch. That is a really sweet token. I hope your flowers survive. I am also a member of the black thumb club, as you well know, though I did just get some succulents because I'm hoping they will be indestructible like my aloe plant.

    1. I think the beach pretty much trumps everything! Best weekend ever.

  2. My long weekend was weird, I worked but was still able to go to two BBQs and gained the weight back that I lost while I was sick lol! A lot of moving planning too which is starting to freak me out a little. My head is still in a fog too.

  3. We have a place around here with Taco Tuesdays as well. It's the best.

  4. Ha! I have to look at my phone or computer to see what day it is.... you are not alone!
    Taco Tuesdays... I could get on board with that! We do have $7.99 large 3 topping pizza specials Mon thru Thurs and we usually take advantage of that!! The flowers are pretty -- they'll quit drooping, I'm sure!

  5. What a lovely and special gift your grandmother gave you! And I do like the neon necklace a lot.

  6. It felt like Monday all day today! Love the necklace!

  7. I get confused too, whenever there's a public holiday on Monday :)
    What a precious gift! I like the necklace a lot!!

  8. Looks like you've been having fun :) Love your grandpa's watch and how great to receive it over Memorial Day Weekend!
    I'm seriously craving tacos now!!!

  9. My grandpa also fought during the WW2 but he never returned back.( missing in action during the Stalingrad battle:) Just a few of his belongings here with me in US and only a few of the pictures. I never knew him, so as my mom... she only was two years old when he went to army.
    On the sweet note - definatelly love your new pink necklace....such an eye candy!

    1. I'm sorry to hear about your grandpa! It sounds like your family has done a great job keeping his memory alive.

  10. I'm sure your flowers will perk up! We have basil in a too small pot that droops severely at least once a day. I'd probably mess up which day tacos were on sale - my watch suddenly started saying it's the wrong day and I'm all kind of confused! The month and date are right, but not the day of the week. We celebrated the long weekend with lots of woodworking and some pretty cool dives!

  11. You obviously had a great weekend. And your necklace is lovely. I have a large statement necklace too that I love but sometimes shy away from for similar reasons.
