
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2013 Goals

I don't have a snazzy catchphrase for this year like "12 in 2012" and it's mainly because I didn't want to add another goal. It was hard enough to think of so many last time and I just didn't feel like adding some lame "extra" to make 13. It probably would've been about Doritos or Taco Bell, and let's be real, I have no desire to change my habits about either of those things.


Instead I have 10 overall goals for myself. Some are big, some are small, some require deep thinking, and some are just basic habits. And I like to call them goals instead of resolutions because this way it feels more casual, like I can get to things as I have time. Oooh, I just thought of something: the sense of urgency might be why I never kept traditional resolutions. I felt like I had to start RIGHT THEN, which, if you know me, isn't how I roll. I like to ease into new things. Anyway! Let's see what I want to do this year. My goals, in no particular order:

1. Exercise everyday. Because this was my favorite from last year, I thought I'd torture myself again. Curse you, scoliosis, and the need to strengthen my core!

2. Drink more water. It's kind of boring, but I feel like I need to cut down on the caffeine. Coffee, tea, pop... All things I drink more frequently than water, and if I'm going to be exercising for real this time, I should stay hydrated.

3. Read two books a month. Now that I work with my hands so much, it's harder to carve out time to read. (That was my favorite thing about working in the city--two hours a day to read on the train.) I've been reading more since it got cold, so I'm hoping to keep it up.


4. Reach 900 sales in Little White Chapel and 300 in Oh Nostalgia. The numbers here might slide a little depending on the direction I take with my business, but I want both shops to keep growing steadily.

5. Overhaul both product lines. This one is scary. I still like what I'm doing but I feel a shift happening in my brain. Now that I've been married for several years (and am a little older), I'm less googly-eyed about weddings and am getting excited about other things. I don't know what exactly I'm going to do about it yet, but I suspect Oh Nostalgia will start to be a larger piece of the pie. I'll keep you posted.

6. Paint the cabinets. Mainly the kitchen cabinets, but this also refers to the built-in shelves in the basement. They're not hideous or anything, they just don't go with the rest of the house.


7. Plant stuff in the garden. "Stuff" is about as specific as I can get right now, because I don't know anything about plants except that they're easy to kill. So... something resilient and preferably edible. Zucchini?

8. Stick to a budget. Since Hubsey and I want to tackle some larger house projects and we don't like to charge up the ol' credit cards, we'll have to set some money aside. It won't be a big change, but we plan to make a spreadsheet this week to track how much we're spending.

9. Focus more on interior design. This is another area that I'm still a little iffy about. I haven't decided what exactly I want to do with my degree and I need to look at some options. Maybe I'll find an internship, for example, or start doing some kind of reader room design feature here. (Or maybe Martha Stewart will decide to hire me and then I won't have to worry about it.)

10. Do more DIY projects. I used to do these every couple of weeks and I totally miss that. I'd like to get back into a regular routine, even if I'm just sharing something small.

**Bonus** Figure out the furniture situation in the family room (and preferably put it in there). We have some weirdness going on in there thanks to a support pole right in the middle. Seating for a couple more people would be awesome, but I need to find something the right size...

So what are your goals for the year? What you most excited about? Anything you're doing because it's practical, but you aren't excited? How are you keeping track of your list?


  1. I think this is a great list and I love how practical these are! I'm choosing to do 365 projects to keep myself in check...otherwise I'll forget my goals in a week...


  2. Happy New Year! I have not created a resolutions list because I have found over the past few years it to be stressful for me. Every time I come up with a list I hardly meet any of my goals and I get stressed! Like I failed myself. So, instead I have created an anti-resolutions list. I list of habits I have no intentions on changing this year. I do have some life changes I would like to make but I already started putting those in motion before the New Year.

  3. I love that you have a mix of business, personal and home/family goals for the year. I wish you the best with each of them!
    My biggest goals need to focus on organization and growing my business. I have quite the mess going on right!

  4. I love your list of goals, they're doable and practical! Can't wait to see the direction you take your product! :)

  5. great goals ; drinking more water is always a good one.
    i could def drink more, too!
    happy new year, girl!

  6. At least your projects are do-able, as one of your comments has already said!

    As for your planting "plans" - forget zuchini only! If it takes, it will take over! One or two plants, fine: but no more! If you've a problem with slugs, forget the brassicas (cabbage, caulis, etc) - unless you're prepared to use slug pellets! I found runner beans (only a few plants, because they can be prolific too!) and herbs and soft fruit - strawberries, raspberries, blueberries (beware the birds with this one!) and, if you like them, rhubarb and gooseberries reward your efforts!

    Good luck - and happy eating! Isobel:

  7. I couldn't remember where I got the idea of doing 13 in 2013, but it must of been from you! I like all your goals for this year. Best of luck!

    <3 Melissa

  8. We've got several of the same things this year! I think the overall theme is just "be better, feel better". Good luck with the cabinet painting. It is definitely manageable, though a total PITA. Just know it won't go quickly no matter what you do and it will be fine. It looks so good when it's done. Happy New Year!

  9. I have a lot of the same goals as you. I'd like to see what you do with Oh Nostalgia shop too! Happy New Year, Paige! xoxo

  10. Sounds like you have a great plan for 2013. I wish you much success in reaching your goals.
    Everyday Inspired

  11. great goals Paige! I like that you call them goals instead of resolutions. ;)
    I should do some of those, like the water. I'm about to eat supper and I would love to have a coke, but I'm going to suffer through it and drink water.
    I look forward to seeing what you do in '13. Love to see you do more DIY.

    Happy New Year!

  12. Happy new year! I so agree about resolutions, hope you can reach your goals! That's awesome you want to tackle changing your product lines, it seems daunting but change is nice and it's good to keep evolving and growing.

  13. You have a great set of goals for 2013 lined up! Best of luck with everything. I'll have my goals for the new year up on my blog on Thursday.

  14. Exercise everyday - a big one for me as well! Every year I say I will but I have never been into working out. I'm more of a yoga and bike riding girl and Florida isn't good for either of those. Alas, happy new year!

  15. Budget is a big one for us! After paying for a wedding last year and having all sorts of random additional expenses, we both are excited (how nerdy), to actually be able to stick to our budget this year. PS, i ADORE that metallic inspiration board.

  16. Drink more water - that's a goal I need to set! It sounds so simple, but I know I don't drink enough water, myself.

  17. I recently read somewhere that having resolutions will not help you achieve your goals but I think quite the opposite. Just writing them down makes you start planning on how to make them true and I believe in you. It's going to be a very good year!

  18. Nothing like cooking with something you just grabbed from your garden. Do spices, for starters! :)
