
Thursday, January 17, 2013

Christmas Haul

I know I'm way late with this, but I didn't get all of the pictures taken until yesterday. One of the items in question took a while to arrive (that will make sense in a minute) and then I wanted to use the new camera instead of the old one, and blah, blah, blah. So three weeks late, here's what I got for Christmas.

Do you remember when I wrote about my wish list? Here's the picture to jog your memory:

xmas 2012

Because I have an awesome family who reads my blog, I ended up getting FOUR of those six items. The hanging terrariums (which are obviously not airborne yet, though still living):

The yellow pillow set for the couch in the family room:

The robot wall art for my office:

And the made-to-order resin Beethoven bust. I like the juxtaposition of the bright blue against his notoriously troubled personality. He was the slow poke holding up the photo shoot:

So what did you get for the holidays (if you can remember back that far, ha)? Did anybody else get something they blogged about? My family members said the post was a good system, so I'm definitely doing it again. How do you let people know what you want?

P.S. Somebody finally scored a ceramic animal head! He has been parading it around the house, seeing where it will be most awesome:


  1. WooHoo! Great haul! Love those hanging terrariums and I'll be interested to see where the deer ends up :)

  2. oh wow! Isn't it wonderful when wishes come true :)
    The pillows are so bright and cheery!

  3. WOW! Four out of the collection is fantastic. I only had one item on my list; I didn't do as well as you did. I love the little terrariums, I think I'll put them on my Valentines Day list. Thanks for sharing!
    Lori in Atlanta

  4. Thats awesome. That is very awesome that family members read your blog. Ryan knows of my blog but definitely doesn't read it. I have an amazon wish list I have to send him for gift ideas. I would send him over an Etsy wish list but it seriously took years to get him to buy me things from that list.

  5. Four out of 6 is definitely awesome. I really love those hanging terrariums!

  6. Your family did good! I love those cheery pillows. I got quite a few things I wanted too - Pantone phone cases, a wrap watch, and a spa GC, woohoo! :)

  7. Well, lucky you!
    They are all great and four out six is not bad at all!

  8. Congrats! I totally blew it with making an Etsy wish list for Christmas this year and will have to get one together for my birthday. You got a fantastic haul.

  9. You have those adorable terrariums?! I have to admit, I've been lusting over them on Etsy.

  10. Oh, how nice!! It's great when you can post things, unsuspecting and then someone sneaky whom you love listens:) Love the ceramic deer head too!

  11. I love the hanging terrariums! Where are they from? Also your camera takes great pictures!

  12. What a cute robot words! I think it is gonna be fun to make printable from that words :)
