
Friday, January 11, 2013

Pinterest Picks

I'm in a great mood for all sorts of reasons today. I picked up my $10 coffee table last night and plan to start rehabbing her this weekend. My membership to the local arboretum (a Christmas gift) came yesterday and since it will be in the 50s today, I think a quick trip is in order. Plus, it's Friday! Happy Almost Weekend! Let's look at this week's Pinterest picks.

This is a clever idea for labeling your storage. I don't know about you, but I tend to move things around a lot in my office, so something straightforward like this is right up my alley. Plus, think about how much stuff you could get in there!

I haven't sewn in a while, but this easy clutch tutorial makes me want to get back on the horse. I could finally practice sewing in a zipper:

Who else loves cucumbers? Normally I just slice them up and eat them with hummus, but this sweet and spicy salad would be a nice change of pace:

We don't have a fireplace, but I wish we did just so I could decorate the mantel. (And use the fire blazing area as book storage, obviously minus the fire.)

These might be the perfect shoes. A gorgeous shade of red, non-stiletto heels that aren't too chunky, pretty nailhead details, and the t-straps! Too bad they're over $300. Le sigh.

So what are you up to today? And this weekend? Anybody else rehabbing some cheap-o furniture? Or enjoying unseasonably warm weather? Wishing those shoes were 1/3 of the price? Me too.


  1. Those shoes are so cute! Where would I wear them to?? Everywhere. We have a fire place and we did exactly what they show in the picture. Stacked our books in different ways. I think it looks cute. No immediate plans for the weekend. I work on Sundays so my only day off is Saturday. I might want to go out for a walk since it's suppose to be like 70 here.

  2. Gorgeous red shoes and I love the cabinet!

  3. I love that idea for the filing cabinets! We're redoing our kitchen table right now, and have it 2/3 of the way sanded. We're currently debating covering it in chalkboard paint like they did with those.

    Have fun with the coffee table!

  4. Great picks today! I've clicked on almost all of them to try:) We've got a couple of old ugly metal filing cabinets and I think some chalkboard paint is in order when it gets warmer out!

  5. I never thought of storing fabric in a filing cabinet! And I've seen so many of them at the dump!! I love the chalkboard paint idea, though. Totally functional AND it covers up the ugly.

    We have no plans for the weekend, but that is typical. It is supposed to be in the 50s here, though, too, so maybe we'll get outside. We'll see!

  6. Thanks for sharing that cucumber salad! I have all of those ingredients at home and now I know what I'm having for lunch :).

    I love that cabinet too. I've seen that floating around the interwebs and am now on the lookout for an old filing cabinet.

  7. Yes, yes, and yes! We are having a confusingly warm week for January here, but unfortunately we're in the midst of de-cluttering our home and really can't take much advantage of it. I'm hoping to rehab an old entertainment center into a puppet theater... but I have to find a space for it first, lol!

    Thanks for sharing this on the Etsy Blog Team! :)

    Tiffany Barry
    In a Pretty Box
    Enter our giveaway!

  8. Enjoy the arboretum! Jealous. We do have warm temps here, though, which has been really nice. I love the shoes, too. What's not to love there?

  9. I love these finds! That fireplace inspiration has me wishing I had a fireplace to decorate - the book storage is such a great idea!

  10. Sounds like a great weekend ahead!
    Love those red shoes and black tights combo! (yikes on the price though!)
    And I agree about the fireplace...I really only want one for the mantel :)

  11. I love those shoes!!
    I'm surprised you don't have a fireplace because Chicago gets cold! Don't most homes have one? We do have a fireplace but can't use it at the moment because it needs to be cleaned, and we also need to have the chimney looked at and possibly need to retile the inside. So, you might be glad that you don't have one; they are a lot of work.
