
Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Hilarious Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is not my favorite holiday. I know I sound like a cranky old fart when I say that but let me break it down: I think Valentine's Day is kind of unnecessary. There's already your anniversary to celebrate luuuuuurve and birthdays to celebrate individual people. So I'm not sure what's up with this... other one.

That being said, I do appreciate all of the hilarious cards floating around this year. If I were the Valentine-sending type, I'd go the funny route. Here's a handful of ideas from Etsy if you still need to get your card on, because Etsy sellers really do have the funniest ones:

Funny Valentine's Day

1. You Are Not Bad -- I cannot. stop. laughing. On a holiday when you're supposed to be all schmoopy, busting this out instead is awesome. It works for non-traditional Valentine's Day, but you could also give it out for birthdays, Christmas, a graduation... If you know me in real life, watch out.

2. Back That Ass Up -- I'm no scientist but I always appreciate it when people use the periodic table to make words. Especially rap words.

3. Cute Butt -- I ended up winning this one, but I had already decided that I was going to purchase it even if I didn't. Instead of calling each other normal things like Honey or Darling, we say Cute Butt. Not, "you have a cute butt" but literally, "Hey, Cute Butt, can you take out the garbage?"

4. As Weird As Me -- Hubsey might be better at hiding his weirdness than I am (mine is a badge of honor), but it's there. Plus, poop!

5. You Are Super Easy -- It actually unfolds to say "You are so lovely and sweet. It's super easy to love and respect you." But I like the front better.

Are you getting a card for anybody this Valentine's Day? Is it funny? Which of these is your favorite? Anybody else not super into the holiday?


  1. I love the 'you are not bad' card. Great post, I'm not that big of a fan of Valentine's day as well.

  2. The funny vote is fun! I've seen a few of these, but some of them are new. Thanks for the smile.
    Happy Wednesday,

  3. I love Valentine's Day, and not in a cheesy 'couples only' sort of way, but as another fun day to give awesome and cute stuff to people you care about. We need more days! I know you said that's what birthdays are for, but once a year is not enough. I love love love making stuff for Valentine's for my niece and nephews. And they get so excited! When I tell my niece "I love you" she always says "I love you more!" :)

    1. Now I feel like the Grinch after he discovers the meaning of Christmas! The way you do it IS really cute. Maybe I should start thinking about it as more of a "you're cool" holiday instead of schmoopy couple stuff.

  4. I always try and get funny cards, mostly because they make me laugh. and any boyfriend who isn't laughing when I'm laughing isn't the kind of boyfriend I send a card to >:(

  5. Valentine's Day is not my favorite holiday either, largely because it's simply terrible when you're single. Jake and I don't do a lot for it. I love how many funny cards there are on Etsy, though. You're right that Etsy sellers really do have the funniest ideas.

  6. We don't really celebrate Valentine's Day either. But these cards are so funny how could you not want to send one :)

  7. That periodic table card is really funny! I have never been very in to the day, but there are some amusing cards. I just like sending random cards, no matter the day - I don't feel the need to wait for the calendar to tell me it's okay!

  8. Those are hilarious! I'm really not into V-day either. Now M & My wedding anniversary is the end of February, so Valentine's really makes no sense for us.

  9. Hahaha, number 1 is brilliant!! xx

  10. Love these! Don't be such a pooper... it's just another day to celebrate love... and get presents!
