
Monday, March 4, 2013

I need a break.

Over the last couple of weeks, there have been some great blog posts floating around about authenticity and honesty. Kristen kicked things off with a post inspired by this awesome article, and then Ayla and Heidi chimed in with their own thoughts. (All posts are excellent, by the way, if you haven't read them.) They got me thinking about a bunch of stuff, and while I originally had a completely different topic in mind for this post, I sat down to write and this came out instead.

I like to think that I'm pretty straightforward with you guys. I don't prance around thinking my life is all unicorns and cupcakes--though that would be awesome. Some blogs only look at the brighter side of life, and that kind of irritates me. Nobody is perfect, your business is never perfect, sometimes you look fat in your jeans--whatever. Don't pretend things are peachy when you're having a bad day. I'm not saying you have to be all doom and gloom, but don't lie to us, either. It's nice when people are real about their problems.

I've been in kind of a weird place the last couple of weeks. The further I get into my interior design program, the more involved my classes get and the more stressed out I am. My coursework isn't just time consuming, it's mentally draining. Going to school for a creative degree is demanding enough, but couple that with the fact that I already work in a creative field for my job, and sometimes I just don't have anything left halfway through the day. I kind of feel like my brain gets scooped out, or that slow feeling from looking at everything underwater. Over the weekend I was trying to plan ahead for some spring house projects, and I could barely make any decisions. Like, paint color decisions, for god's sake. It took me an hour to choose two colors. My brain is just wiped out, and I still have 8 weeks of school to go. And then possibly summer classes, but I might need to skip those for my own sanity.

Let's hope so!

It's been hard to think of new jewelry designs, hard to work on my new branding (uuuugh), hard to put much time into either of my shops at all, really, aside from things that are necessary. And I know that's not enough. I almost feel them slipping away from me, which of course makes me freak out more. They're like my babies, but I'm only. one. person. Perhaps I've finally tipped the boat and taken on too much at once? I don't know. And then there's my design consultations and this blog to think about. I'm not complaining about the work itself because I love what I'm doing, and I definitely don't want to go back to how my life was before I quit my day job, but right now I'm just overwhelmed. I need a mental health day, and I could kind of use a hug.

Anyway, I need to go work on my renderings now. On the bright side, once my head is above water again, you'll get a big juicy update on what I've been doing in school that takes up all of my time. I won't have a post for you tomorrow, but I'll be back on Wednesday with something fun. I think you'll understand.


  1. Just take your time and breathe! I know what you mean, I'm in the same boat. The only thing that can help you is focus on something else and relax. Hugs.

  2. After the baby in December, I thought and thought about blogging, My shop, decorating the nursery, and I decided to just wait on all of it. It worked great, I didnt feel bad that I wasnt doing it, because I had so many other things to do. I always say to those around me "it is better to be too busy, than to be twiddling your thumbs" Glad to hear you are above water again, and on the bright side, you are so stressed because you are doing what you love... kind of a catch 22, but one that has a great upside.

  3. Same here Paige...sigh.

    I think it's simply a choice whether you want to involve readers in your private life or not. There's no right or wrong. I try to keep the tone light on mine, since I cater to two different audiences. I think we all know, no matter how fabulous some blogs are, that nobody's life is rosy all the time ;-)
    Enjoy your break and looking forward to seeing more of your renderings in future posts!

    1. Oh yes, I guess I should have been more specific! I meant bloggers who talk about their private lives, but do so in a way that just seems so... shiny. Of course people can be as positive as they want, but I always appreciate a little realness.

    2. Ahh...I see what you mean :)
      hope you find some time to relax this week. How about a "spa-day"?

  4. It's a good thing you are taking some time. I know how hard it is to blog, work, maintain a shop, and go to school. I tried doing that last semester and the shop definitely got left behind. Last week I was feeling super overwhelmed with my job so I took 2 days to regroup. It really helps me get back into the groove of making things and being more creative.

  5. Although this is totally counter-productive, can you take a weekend off and go somewhere? Maybe just putting your mind off of it for two days would help. That being said, I could never do that because I'd be worrying the whole time about not getting things done. But really, I know what you're saying because I always have too many balls in the air and not enough time to keep them all there. Something always drops. Just make a plan and work through, and just take a break if you need to stay sane.

  6. Oh goodness, of all people, we can understand! Being "forced" to be creative in many ways at once really is very mentally draining. I like your expiation of feeling like your "brain has been scooped out". It really is like that sometimes! Good luck, I hope you get in a better place soon, and get some rest!

  7. It's definitely hard to keep pushing forward when you're in school because school really is so metally draining. Do what you think is best for yourself - follow your heart! x

    <3 Melissa

  8. Sending you a virtual hug :) Things can get overwhelming and I have a hard time creating if I'm stressed out.
    I hope things calm down soon and you're back above water.

  9. Well I hardly doubt you ever look fat in your jeans, but whatever. I am a huge offender of taking on too much at once and trying to do each thing perfectly, so I feel your pain. Take breaks when you need to. Don't post on your blog everyday unless it's a good stress reliever for you. Your loyal readers won't care if you skip a day...or five. Don't push yourself too hard that you come to resent your businesses, your classes, your creative ventures and all the other things that you are so good at doing. Just take a deep breath...and say...Haaasssa Diga Eibowaiiiii!

  10. Oh girrrrrl, I so get it. I've been there. I was actually talking to a friend last week about how working in creative fields on so many different projects has fried my brain over time. And I have let one of my businesses all but slip away over the last couple of years, but I think I'm finally reaching a place where I'm okay with it. (Maybe not financially - but emotionally.) I can't imagine running my two businesses and the blog AND going to school. I think a break for you is well deserved!!!

  11. Hang in there! Sending some virtual hugs your way. I definitely experience creative burnout sometimes. There is only so much energy that you can put into different aspects of your creative life everyday. Something has to give sometimes. I have a hard time accepting that, but I keep plowing ahead...

  12. Go ahead and take a Mental Health WEEK, even though that might be hard with school. The point is if you're feeling drained and overwhelmed, just stop for a little big. I feel that too sometimes where I just can't bring myself to make any jewelry. That's ok, I let myself feel that way. It always passes. I allow myself to just spend the night on the couch flipping channels as unproductive as that may be. We all need that sometimes.

  13. Here is a great big ♥HUG♥!! I feel like I've been chasing my tail lately too, but I'm not also going to school on top of that! You take all the time you need, we will be here when you are ready to come back. :)

  14. Hang in there! I know exactlyyyyyy how you feel! Hugs!!!


  15. Too much,, is just too much and we all need a break now and then! I call it "overload." I feel as if my brain is starkly blinking the word "Overload!" "Overload!" Hope your get a break!

  16. School, having your own business and blogging can be consuming so I feel you! It's hard for me to relate to people who just post about how great everything is. It's not realistic or for me relatable. Anyways, next time we meet up I'll introduce you to my unicorn Henry... he shits gold and it's fabulous. Miss you!

  17. That pretty much sums up how things have been around here lately....-except for the particular details of course...And it looks like there are so many of us in the same boat!
    A little holiday from everything would be nice!

    I'm wishing you one soon.

    Oh, and that hug.

  18. I think we can all relate to one varying degree or another.... you certainly have a lot on your plate! Hang in there, it will all be worth it! And here's a hug for you... (((hugs)))

  19. You have a lot on your plate, and it's totally understandable to be feeling stressed. Don't forget sometimes you just need to take a break for yourself and clear your head. That could be 5 minutes or 15, just closing your eyes and relaxing your mind can make for a better day. I hope as time goes on you will feel less stressed and ready for your next project. (((Hugs)))
    Everyday Inspired

  20. Thanks for the boost, everybody! I've been getting a lot accomplished and feel a lot better. I just have to get through Sunday and then I can chill! Any Doritos in the vicinity should be getting nervous...

  21. Oh I've been there Paige. I've been exactly there. I worked all through grad school, somehow, going months at a time with only 4 hours of sleep a night. And I did that for 4 years! Looking back, it was insane. A lot of people don't understand how work-intensive and draining getting a degree in a creative field can be. They think it's just playing with color and doing a few drawings here and there. I had a friend getting a Master's in product design the same time I was getting my degree, and he was going through the exact same thing. Up until 3am working on projects, getting up at 7am to go to work, go to class, then working on projects again. I'm not going to lie that it did burn me out eventually.

    Take my advice and pace yourself as much as you can. I had to take a minimum of 3 classes a semester to get my financial aid, and I had to work to pay rent, so I didn't have a choice. But if you can take a break this summer, you probably should. I feel like I spent all of my 20s in school and working and not doing much else.

  22. I'm right there with you Paige. I haven't written on my blog in a few days because I just didn't feel like it. What's the point of overdoing it, you know? Here's to hoping that there's an end in sight where you can get that mental break that you need! Hugs!

  23. Oh (Hugs) Paige...yes we all get like this, overwhelmed, overstimulated and our schedule crammed way over our heads...maybe you just need a break? a clean slate, its hard as you have commitments but I always say one step at a time...

  24. Girl, you get mad props for all you accomplish! When I was knee deep in studio, there's no way I could have tackled everything you do! I totally get where you are coming from about feeling overwhelmed because I have definitely been there (and some days still am). If you need a few days break from the blog, do it. We'll all still be here when you return. :)
